The yellow team first started off by dividing the work equally between the team members. Each of us were given task to accomplish and in this case I had to decifer menu 2 and state the quantity of nutrients it contained along with Arthur. Along the process of decoding the menu, I discovered that too much protein CAN damage your kidney and that in every weight-loss diet you must have the nutrients necessary for your body to function correctly; in other words, you can't simply not eat at all and wait for your body to start using your lipids. This project contributed to my scientific knowledge by teaching me the importance of nutrients in diets and how to analyze a 7 day schedule of food in terms of rich or poor nutrition involved. It was good to work as a team because we all depended on each other. What happened over here mattered over there. The organization was an essential keypoint to our success in achieving our goals.
It is a good post, but may be developed more. Talk more about the actual project, which menus you decided and why, and talk with more detail (for example, describe the different jobs of the teM members, except of just saying we each had a job). try to fixture that glitch that the word "goals" is at the very end of the page.