domingo, 30 de outubro de 2011

Science Project

A few weeks ago, our teacher, Ms. Silva, gave us the objective to create some sort of educational material that would be used by a company called Zoinks. The class went to work, ready to create educational yet creative material. We were given a sheet with inumerous concepts we were to include in our project in order to prove our understanding of the past science classes.

At first, I had the idea to make a puppet show. But, as time gave out, I began writing a short story that became a near 40 page book.  The book tells the story of Lenny, one of my puppets that I had created for the project, a newcomer to a science facility named SFFA, that has to go through puzzles and riddles that will test his mental capability when it comes to science. This entire problem is caused when Lenny's workmate and secret crush, Jenny, is kinapped.

I realized that, nowadays, even with technology being the dominant growing source of entertainment, books are also good sources of learning. Even though I believe puppet shows would be more amusing than books, depending on the story and the grip, books can be just as eye catching as puppets.

I answer the science questions by the following ways:

"Lenny left the office and walked straight down the hall. His mind had never been so full of confusion. He had the talent of blocking out any type of concern. Like a cell membrane protects a cell, allowing waste products to leave its premises. But this time it seemed that his layer of protection had been penetrated, and stress had invaded and reproduced like a virus, doing the impossible to take over its host."

I allow myself to take real life examples and compare them to scientific terms. 

The past couple of weeks were very stressful, but in the end, this material will futerly help kids learn what osmosis and diffusion is, for example. 

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